Program Overview

We believe that education is one of the foremost pillars upon which a progressive society stands. Every child deserves quality education to round them into well-informed, compassionate, and competent human beings. Antar Bharati Balgram School ensure that no child is left behind in this endeavour.

Key Features

Formal education

Our Locations

Antar Bharati Balgram School, Lonavala - Formal Education

Established in 1982, it is the flagship program of Antar Bharati Balgram School’s Lonavala chapter. We teach children from KG to 10th standard. While most of our students come from the Bal Gram campus, we also have day scholars from neighbouring villages.



Beneficiaries of Bal Shiksha, Pune
Children Passing Grade 10
0 %
Retention rate at Antar Bharati School
0 %
Teacher Student Ratio
0 :22