A Place to Call Home, for Shrushti

17th Jan 2022

The Early Years
Shrushti’s childhood was a series of mishappenings, as she lost her parents at an early age. As she dealt with an unsupportive family, she was eventually transferred to the Bal Gram campus in Lonavala.

New Beginnings
At Bal Gram, she resumed her education as a student in the 5th standard. Five years later, in 2020, she passed her 10th standard board exams with an impressive score of 67%. Shrushti stands out as an intelligent girl, who eagerly participates in cultural and sport activities. It’s impossible to miss how she cares for and supports the younger children in their studies.

Healing With Hope
Despite her rocky beginnings, the ISC sponsorship has helped Shrushti pursue her education and develop holistically into a confident young woman with a new path to tread.